1/18 Scale
New-Ray #SS-05536-A $21.99Add to CartAmerican Landrace Hog Feeding Playset -
Playset Includes: -
4 American Landrace Pigs -

1/18 Scale
New-Ray #SS-05536-B $21.99Add to CartHapshire Pig Feeding Playset -
Playset Includes: -
4 Hampshire Pigs -
Pig Pen with...

1/32 Scale
New-Ray #SS-15825A $21.99Add to CartKubota Farm Tractor Playset -
Features Include: -
Kubota 4-Wheel Drive Tractor -

1/32 Scale
New-Ray #SS-15835A $21.99Add to CartKubota Front Loader Playset -
Features Include: -
Kubota 4-wheels drive tractor with loader...

1/43 'O' Scale
New-Ray #19595A $15.99Add to CartChevrolet Silverado Pickup in Grey Hauling Horse Trailor with Horse Figure -
Truck is made of...[more]

1/43 'O' Scale
New-Ray #19595B $15.99Add to CartChevrolet Silverado Pickup in White Hauling Farm Tractor in Green with Trailor -
Truck is...[more]

1/43 'O' Scale
New-Ray #19595C $15.99Add to CartChevrolet Silverado Pickup in Red Hauling Cattle Trailor with Cow Figure -
Truck is made of...[more]

New-Ray #05985-A $19.99 reg $21.99Add to CartCountry Life Farm Tractor Playset -
Playset Includes: -
Green Combine -
Red Tractor -

1/20 Scale
New-Ray #05735-B $23.99 reg $33.99Add to CartNew Holland Boomer 55 Tractor with Loader, Animals, and Hay Bale -
Made of durable plastic ...

1/64 Scale
New-Ray #05003 $18.99Add to CartNew Holland FR920 Harvester with Grain Wagon -
Includes corn head and grain...[more]

1/43 'O' Scale
New-Ray #16083 $24.99Add to CartFreightliner Cascadia Tractor with Flatbed and Farm Tractor -
Cab is made of diecast metal,...[more]

1/32 Scale
New-Ray #SS-33533 $13.99Add to CartKubota Farm Tractor with Front Loader -
Made of durable plastic -
Features: -

1/18 Scale
New-Ray #SS-05526-A $13.50 reg $21.99Add to CartRanch Cow 4-Piece Set -
Made of durable plastic

1/18 Scale
New-Ray #SS-05526-B $11.50 reg $21.99Add to CartRanch Cow 4-Piece Set -
Made of durable plastic

1/64 Scale
New-Ray #32123 $9.99Add to CartNew Holland T6 Farm Tractor with Front Loader -
Scale is approximate ...

1/43 'O' Scale
New-Ray #05517-A $9.99Add to CartPig Farming Playset -
Includes: -
Farmer -
4 adult pigs -
4 piglets -
Pig pen -

1/43 'O' Scale
New-Ray #05517-B $9.99Add to CartCow Farming Playset -
Playset includes: -
Feeding trough -
4 cows -
Feed pile -...

1/43 'O' Scale
New-Ray #05517-C $8.99Add to CartSheep Farming Playset -
Playset includes: -
Farmer -
6 fence panels -
10 sheep -...

1/43 'O' Scale
New-Ray #05517-D $9.99Add to CartChicken Farming Playset -
Playset Includes - -
Chicken Cope -
Chicken Crate -

1/43 'O' Scale
New-Ray #05517-E $9.99Add to CartGoat Farming Playset -
Playset includes: -
Farmer -
Fence panels -
Goats -...

1/43 'O' Scale
New-Ray #05517-F $8.99Add to CartHorse Farming Playset -
Playset includes: -
Horses -
Fence panels -
Feed pile -...

1/32 Scale
New-Ray #05523B $24.99Add to CartNew Holland T7000 Farm Tractor with Stake Trailer, Produce Bins, and Farmer Figure
Made of...[more]

New-Ray #SS-33287 $9.99Add to CartKubota Z700 Zero-Turn Mower -
Made of durable plastic

1/32 Scale
New-Ray #05593-A $11.99Add to CartCountry Life Series - Horse 5-Piece Boxed Set - This Set includes: - 4 Horses in various brown...

1/32 Scale
New-Ray #05593-B $11.99Add to CartCountry Life Series - Farm Horses with Saddles 4-Piece Boxed SET - Set includes 1 each: - Light...

1/32 Scale
New-Ray #05593-C $11.99Add to CartCountry Life Series - Farm Cattle 6-Piece Boxed SET - Set includes 3 each: - Brown Cattle - ...

1/32 Scale
New-Ray #05593-D $11.99Add to CartCountry Life Series - Farm Cattle 6-Piece Boxed Playset - Set includes: - 4 Cows - 2 Calves ...

1/32 Scale
New-Ray #05593-E $11.99Add to CartCountry Life Series - Farm Cattle 6-Piece Boxed SET - Set includes: - 3 Black and White Cows -...

1/32 Scale
New-Ray #05593-F $11.99Add to CartCountry Life Series - Farm Horse 5-Piece Boxed SET -
Made of durable plastic